Financial Literacy Opens Students’ Eyes on Their Future
By Chelsea Boniak
March 10, 2014
What a joy to see a dozen PwC US (PricewaterhouseCoopers) consultants show up at Prescott Elementary ready to engage 3rd – 5thgraders on dollars and cents matters with lessons on “Credit & Debt”, “Saving & Investing” and “Income & Careers.” Instead of lecturing, the PwC team invites students to role play, with lessons aimed at using critical thinking skills in practical real-life applications.
Over a year ago, PwC contacted Children Rising about getting involved in the Oakland Unified School District in hopes that its Earn YourFuture (EYF) financial literacy curriculum might be a welcome complement to the local schools. Initial discussions led to the launching of a pilot after-school financial literacy enrichment program at MLK Jr. Elementary, resulting in rave reviews from Principal Roma Groves.
PwC employees have continued working with MLK Jr. Elementary and thanks to a recent grant of $30,000 from the PwC Charitable Foundation, we look forward to continuing this work with PwC by expanding EYF to more schools and providing career skills and experience for students in West Oakland.