President’s Corner: Jon Blankmeyer
By Children Rising | May 8, 2015
A Fond Farewell to Jon Blankmeyer

With bittersweet feelings, I must announce that one of our founding members is retiring from Children Rising’s Board of Directors. Jon Blankmeyer has served faithfully on the board for fourteen years – twelve years as board chair and two years as treasurer.
Jon and his dear wife Elaine came alongside my wife Diane and me back in May 2001. They provided encouragement and wise counsel as I, a local church pastor, stepped into the uncharted waters of a new calling, the nonprofit sector. Jon helped me recruit a handful of board members to launch a mission to give hope to disadvantaged students. In July of 2001, Children Rising was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) public benefit organization.
Two months later, Norman Brooks (Children Rising’s now-retired Science Horizons director) introduced Jon and me to our first principal, Roberta Teller of Burbank Elementary in East Oakland. This day is forever etched in my memory: September 13, only two days after the 9/11 attacks. Although we were strangers to her, Ms. Teller hugged and welcomed us saying, “I want my school to be a safe place.” In her office, Jon and I listened to Ms. Teller share her hopes for Burbank students and families. Then she began prioritizing needs and listing possible ways to address at least some of those needs. The Burbank maiden voyage would become a template for future school partnerships.
The Children Rising board and staff colleagues all join me in expressing profound thanks to Jon Blankmeyer for his servant leadership on behalf of vulnerable children and under-resourced schools. May God bless the Blankmeyers as they enter a new season of life and ministry.