We’re Off to See The WIZdom of God!
By Children Rising | October 5, 2016

On Saturday, October 15, 2016, Children Rising is proud to present a one-time only production of The WIZdom of God. Inspired by both The Wizard of Oz and The Wiz, The WIZdom of God follows Dorothy and her little dog Total Mess on their adventure to the Crystal City to meet the Voice of God. This Christian-themed musical is the centerpiece of our Fall Fundraiser to raise money for our CareerBridge mentorship program.
The WIZdom of God is the creative brainchild of Daughters of Grace, a group of
sister singers that include our very own staff members, CareerBridge and Science Horizons director Margena Wade-Green and Succeeding by Reading clinic coordinator Gwen Stephens. The talented cast is supported by a local band, Ms. Nzuri and the Nzuri Soul Band. You will hear variations on familiar tunes from the original musicals and classic songs off the radio. Dinner will be available for purchase. There will be a raffle, bake sale, and more!
The WIZdom of God promises to be a fun-filled affair with lots of audience
participation, especially for children. Please join us for this family-friendly
fundraiser! Spend some time somewhere over the rainbow, while supporting
CareerBridge at the same time.
Are you wistfully thinking, “if I only had a ticket”, my pretty? No need for ruby red or silver slippers. Just follow the yellow brick road…