Looking for tutors for 2018-2019!
By Sophia Wambach
August 13, 2018
Today was the first day of school for Oakland students! The next few weeks will be full of reunions with old friends, exciting new relationships, and journeys into worlds of ideas and knowledge.
Unfortunately, for the thousands of children who struggle with reading or basic math, the first day of school is also the start of yet another year of frustration and confusion. Too many years of this and the odds of thriving beyond school are not in the student’s favor.
This is about more than just ‘getting better grades.’ These children and youth are literally at the crossroads of promise and risk.

Children Rising is looking for more reading and math tutors for the 2018 – 2019 school year.
That’s where the community steps in. When our schools are under-resourced, our teachers are underpaid and overworked, and our fellow parents are trying to make ends meet, one of the ways we can support each other is to come alongside a struggling child. We can lend a bit of our time and energy to give a child the tools to thrive in school and beyond, letting them know that we care about them, that they matter. We can help them reach their unique potential in life, breaking the cycle of poverty, prison or early death.
Children Rising is looking for volunteers to tutor elementary students who need help with reading and math. Our clinics start in mid-September so there’s plenty of time to get you registered and trained. If you’d like to get involved or simply want more information, complete the brief form below, and we’ll be sure to reach out to you.
We recruit reading and math tutors throughout the whole year so come find us later if you can’t volunteer right now. In the meantime, tell your friends and help us recruit because we are always looking.