Vocation – A Personal Calling
By Eric Steckel | December 11, 2019
Perspectives article by Eric Steckel, Communications Manager
“The old and honorable idea of ‘vocation’ is simply that we each are called, by God, or by our gifts, or by our preference, to a kind of good work for which we are particularly fitted.” — Wendell Berry

Learning to read empowers children to succeed in elementary school, middle school, and beyond.
We frequently say that tutoring a vulnerable child who struggles in reading or math, every week, for an entire academic year, is a true vocation. We train, support, and coach our tutors so they can step in and help a child from day one. It becomes a type of job to which our tutors joyfully and diligently commit.
However, a vocation is much different than a job!
“… Here I am. Send me.”
A few weeks ago I sat in the church pew, listening to Pastor Marco’s sermon, and my ears perked up. He explained that a vocation is a calling. The word itself stems from the word “voice” – someone, or something, calling to you.

Will you join us in helping a vulnerable child Soar? One-on-one tutoring provides opportunity for a struggling child who desperately needs a fair and equal chance to rise above the challenges they face.
A true vocation is a job that meets a greater purpose than the job description alone. When we find our true vocation, we embrace a job or occupation that serves a greater good. As Wendell Berry so eloquently reminds us, that calling may be from God, or a result of our gifts pouring out, or simply a preference to do good work for which we are well suited.
A vocation is often associated with ideas like obligation, mission, trust, and service. Indeed, it is far more than just a job. It is a personal calling. And in most cases, the stakes are much higher than financial rewards alone.
We are in the midst of an education crisis affecting our city’s most vulnerable children.
It can be uncomfortable to look around and say: “Our system is broken. I will serve the children. I will show them that they do indeed matter. That there is hope for a better future. That they can rise above, and soar on the wings of eagles.”
Each year, we are blessed with hundreds of caring adults who heed that call. They receive no financial reward for their work. Their reward comes from the knowledge that they responded to a personal call to empower a child.
Do you have a fresh vision for what is possible in our schools? In the lives of vulnerable young children looking to soar? If so, Children Rising will provide you all the resources you need to embark on the vocation for which you have been uniquely called. You can come alongside a vulnerable child who is eager to rise above.
We can be thankful for the gifts for which we have been blessed. But who will go and serve the vulnerable in our community? Will it be you?
YES, I CAN help a struggling child SOAR to their God-given potential.
I want to attend an upcoming mentor or tutor orientation session to see if it is right for me!
I want help fund Children Rising tutoring and mentoring programs to empower more children this year.