Introducing Path2Math Anywhere
By Jim Wambach | December 21, 2020
Online tutoring helps children in need of a little extra support

Online tutoring is helping children who need a little extra support get back to grade level.
In October, we welcomed back our first group of second-graders from Martin Luther King Jr. and Piedmont Avenue Elementary Schools for one-on-one math tutoring! At a time when many students are falling further behind, this is a significant step forward.
You have seen how students, working alongside a caring tutor, typically advance two or more grade levels, catch up with classmates, develop self-confidence, and gain a much fairer chance of success in school and in life. Our program teams worked tirelessly over the summer and into early fall to design a child-centered, online tutoring model to meet the needs of our local elementary school children.
Our new math online tutoring program, Path2Math Anywhere, provides fun new tools and an engaging online math workbook for the children and tutors. The kids quickly learned how to use their online workbook, and love how it rewards them for their progress. The children are willing and able to stay engaged for the 45-50 minute tutoring session — not an easy task for a seven or eight-year old child.
At this critical time in the children’s lives, we wanted to say, “You haven’t seen us in school for a while, but we’re still here for you.”
In addition to providing foundational numeracy and common core math skills, there is a considerable upside to our new online tutoring capability. Each student can use their online workbook to practice anytime throughout the week, providing another learning resource at home. Online homework can be difficult for a second-grader and we now have the ability to view and assist with homework assignments during the tutoring session. Our online tutoring program also provides more robust and accurate student progress reporting, which better guides each tutor while providing important learning updates to teachers and families.

Our dedicated tutors can’t wait to get back to working with the kids through online tutoring.
At this critical time in the children’s lives, we wanted to say, “You haven’t seen us in school for a while, but we’re still here for you.”
As we tutor online, the kids thrive on the personal attention and care of each tutor. We are seeing the early evidence of wonderful relationships developing between the tutors and the children once again this year — and we even learned how to “camera high-five” thanks to one of our kids! These relationships are as important as improving academic skills. As each tutor provides a safe and caring environment, children gain confidence in their abilities — and in themselves.
Our mission is to empower these amazing children, and we are finding additional opportunities to support both them and their family during this extraordinarily challenging time. We would like to share a couple of early experiences we’ve been blessed with through online tutoring.

At a time when many students are falling further behind, your support of our all-new online tutoring is helping Demarcus and his family.
Demarcus* is an extremely smart second-grader who is excited about his weekly tutoring sessions, and usually signs in for tutoring early. His mother is visually impaired, making it difficult for her to help Demarcus with his daily homework assignments. Demarcus was 17 lessons behind and she asked if we could help him with his homework during our tutoring session. Of course the answer was yes!
Demarcus’s internet access was very slow, making it difficult for him to interact online. His mom had not yet requested a free “hot-spot” from OUSD, so we contacted Demarcus’s school and a free internet hotspot was immediately provided. The school also provided a set of headphones so Demarcus could better hear and concentrate during his school lessons and his tutoring sessions.
With internet difficulties out of the way, Demarcus had a much easier time interacting with his tutor and reviewing his homework together. It became obvious that Demarcus understood his homework and was ready and willing to be challenged with more difficult math concepts.

Your support of Path2Math Anywhere ensures that Nakoa does not lose the progress he worked so hard to achieve.
Nakoa* is a returning Path2Math student who we profiled in our September newsletter story about the COVID-19 Family Relief Program.
Nakoa has participated in several tutoring sessions and is doing very well. When he signs on to Zoom, he and his tutor Reto typically take a little time to get to know one another. They talk about their favorite foods, or favorite part of the day, or their family. Then they get to work. Nakoa is very comfortable doing the tutoring sessions online, and has no problem staying focused doing math exercises. And he thrives on receiving the medals awarded after each successfully completed segment.
* Names changed to protect the identity of the students
Your $250 gift will pair a second-grade child with a personal tutor for the remainder of the academic year!
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