Your Gift Helped Haifa Graduate College
By Eric Steckel | July 5, 2022
Servant Leadership Inspires Her Pursuit of Medical Degree

Haifa “dared to dream” of a career in medicine but needed financial support to attend college. CareerBridge helped her graduate from Mills College with financial stability.”
2018 Eddie Scholarship winner Haifa Algabri is destined for a career in health sciences. She graduated from Mills College in May with a double major in biopsychology and public health and has ambitions to become a physician. A devout Muslim who immigrated from Yemen, she is the first member of her family to graduate.
Haifa joined CareerBridge during her time at McClymonds High School in West Oakland. The workshops she participated in prepared her for a paid summer internship that was tailor-made for her. Haifa tutored children in math at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School and assisted with the Science Horizons STEM Labs.
CareerBridge also prepared her for her next experience with Kaiser Permanente’s KP Launch Program. Career mentors helped her learn to “stabilize her energy” and communicate more professionally. “Before, I wouldn’t really know how to organize my thoughts and communicate effectively,” she explained. “Having that workshop helped me reflect on how to be an effective communicator that I continue to learn, even today.”
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Children Rising’s Mission Aligned With Haifa’s Faith
“In my faith, you get held accountable for everything—even knowledge. Whatever knowledge you acquire, if it’s beneficial, you should share it,” she said. “Through servant leadership, we can use our privilege and whatever assets we have to eradicate racial injustices and any form of discrimination.”
“I’m not a person to see an issue and not do something about it.”– Haifa Algabri
That passion for racial equity intersects with her studies in public health. “I’ve noticed the STEM department at Mills College is very exclusive of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) students.” Her graduate thesis evaluated the STEM department’s role in the retention and support of BIPOC STEM students compared to other departments. “I’m not a person to see an issue and not do something about it.”
Haifa is grateful that her scholarship helped her stay financially stable throughout college. She will now turn her sights toward gaining acceptance to Medical School. Although she is an intensely-driven young lady, she puts her future career into perspective. “I would like a profession within medicine that will have balance with family and friends.” She also sees medicine as a way to be an advocate for others. Haifa is well on the path to making that a reality.
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