Personalized Math Tutoring Fuels Dreams to Be a Pilot!
By Eric Steckel
May 16, 2024
How Your Support Turned Adrian’s Math Challenges Into Visions of Flying

Your support of personalized math tutoring helped Adrian understand the importance of learning math, which has fueled his desire to become a pilot.
Children often dream of taking flight and soaring through the clouds. For Adrian, it’s more like an obsession.
When the third-grader joined Path2Math this year, he was nearly two years behind in math. Like many children, he was reluctant to participate in the “Math Club.” Math tutoring challenged him to work on a subject he knew he struggled with. It was hard work, and despite our best efforts, it’s not always fun to work on subjects that are so challenging.
One day, his tutor, Mr. Jim, took a break from math and asked him, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I want to be a pilot,” Adrian answered.
Will you complete HER Circle of Care?
Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.
Will you complete HER Circle of Care?
Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.
Just like that, a connection was made. “You know, pilots need to perform a lot of math to fly a plane,” Mr. Jim said. As a pilot, he would know.
“A simple question revealed a shared connection that ignited Adrian’s interest in learning math.”
Since that day, Adrian has found a reason to want to learn math and has advanced nearly two grade levels. Mr. Jim shares some of his knowledge of piloting with the youngster, which encourages him to work harder at the difficult equations.
The power of personalized math tutoring is the relationship between student and tutor. A simple question revealed a shared connection that ignited Adrian’s interest in learning math. Tutoring is not always a straight line. With patience, care, and interest from the tutor, children will soar in school. And Adrian might just soar through the clouds!
A young child is looking for you to make a connection so they can soar in school … and in life!