
A Dedicated Tutor Put a Book in Jaime’s Hands … and a Smile on His Face

By Eric Steckel
August 22, 2024

You Helped Jaime Blossom Into a Confident Reader

Kirby and Jaime

Thanks to you—and the persistent efforts of his dedicated tutor, Kirby Smith—Jorge has become an enthusiastic reader.

When was the last time you really struggled to learn something? How did it make you feel? Frustrated? Reluctant? Ready to throw in the towel? We’ve all been there!

So was Jaime*. Last year, this little guy was a second grader who struggled with reading, barely at a kindergarten level. He was discouraged and reluctant to take part in Succeeding by Reading. Thanks to you—and the persistent efforts of his dedicated tutor, Kirby Smith—Jaime’s story has taken a remarkable turn.

Kirby began tutoring after retiring in 2020. He described his experience with Jaime as both challenging and rewarding. “Jaime is a strong-willed boy with a rich emotional background that sometimes hindered his ability to concentrate,” Kirby shared.

Will you complete HER Circle of Care?

Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.

Jaime struggled in the same reading “zone” for months. Some days he was frustrated and unwilling to work. Clinic coordinator Brenda Paulin administered three skills checks to move on to the next “zone.” Each time, Jaime just missed moving on.

“When he finally passed I nearly cried. He finally made it.”

Kirby discovered that meeting Jaime halfway with engaging activities helped the boy focus. He would begin each session with a picture comparison game that was easy and fun. He discovered that Jaime loves soccer. To keep him motivated, Kirby gave him a coloring book of his favorite soccer player, Lionel Messi. Some days were better than others, but Kirby’s patience and creativity paid off.

After three near-misses, Jaime finally passed his skill check in the last week of the program. Kirby vividly recalls the joy and relief they both felt. “When he finally passed I nearly cried. He finally made it,” Kirby said.

Without feeling that moment of success, Jaime might have continued to feel sullen about learning.

Kirby values the one-on-one relationship he developed with Jaime. Kirby tailored his tutoring to Jaime’s needs. It made a significant difference to Jaime’s progress.

Jaime and friend at Succeeding by Reading

Your gifts support children who thrive on personalized tutoring, and put smiles on faces!

This breakthrough transformed Jaime’s attitude toward learning. He became an enthusiastic reader, and it was the rocket fuel needed to improve his attitude toward learning and reading.

You support children who thrive on perseverance and personalized support. Kirby’s dedication exemplifies the impact caring tutors can have on a child’s life. You give children like Jaime a fairer chance to succeed in school … and in life.

Your $15 gift gives children like Jaime a one-on-one tutor for a day. You are giving them the gift of reading!

Tutor a child! Yes, I can help a child learn reading and math!

 I want to tutor a child in reading or math!

I want to fund Children Rising tutoring programs!

* Children Rising respects the privacy of our students. While all the stories we share are genuine and true, we change names as needed to protect student privacy.

Sustaining Momentum: Your Support Keeps Da’myla Reading All Summer

By Eric Steckel
August 19, 2024

Thanks to You, Ms. Joan and Da’myla Continue Their Learning Journey Beyond the Classroom

Da’myla and Ms. Joan at Oakland Library

Because of you, Da’myla and Ms. Joan formed a bond that has continued to grow through summer reading get-togethers.

You know that a child’s learning journey doesn’t end when the school year does. But many children in Oakland don’t have the resources to continue learning over the summer months.

Ms. Joan Cardellino is keenly aware that we don’t have the time to waste.

“The more fun you can have, the more receptive the kids can be to learning.”

Joan is a dedicated Succeeding by Reading tutor. She worked one-on-one with second-grader Da’myla* last year. The two formed a close bond in the process. Thanks to your support, Da’myla thrived in reading, and is continuing to make progress this summer!

Will you complete HER Circle of Care?

Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.

Da’myla’s connection with Ms. Joan extended beyond the classroom. During the end-of-year celebration, Ms. Joan reached out to Da’myla’s mother, Lashawnda, with a heartfelt thank-you card. She also offered to meet Da’myla over the summer to read. This gesture led to an ongoing summer reading partnership at the Oakland Public Library. Their visits include checking out books and enjoying the nearby park.

Da’myla receives the gift of a new book.

Your gifts provide Da’myla the joy and excitement of discovering a great book.

Ms. Joan is passionate about preventing the summer slide, the learning loss that can occur during the long break. “Da’myla made a lot of progress but is still significantly behind grade level. If she goes 10 weeks over the summer without reading, some of the progress Da’myla made would be lost,” Ms. Joan explained.

Their library visits have been a delightful mix of education and fun. Da’myla, now equipped with her very own library card and self-checkout skills, explores both fiction and nonfiction. From an Encyclopedia of Manga to children’s cookbooks, Da’myla’s interests are broad and varied. Ms. Joan even engages her in cooking discussions, linking reading to everyday activities like making grilled cheese and learning where cranberries come from.

A circle of care over the summer

Da’myla reading with Joan at Library reading with Joan at Library.

“The more fun you can have, the more receptive the kids can be to learning.”

The FamilyBridge program plays a crucial role in this story. You support a collective effort from families, schools, and communities that sparks a child’s learning. Pia Dandan, Succeeding by Reading program manager, remarked, “It warms my heart to see how this ‘Circle of Care’ can continue outside of our tutoring clinic during the school year.”

Your caring heart helped form the bond between Ms. Joan and Da’myla. And it underscores the importance of continuous support. Da’myla’s delight in finding books about little girls of color—“girls that look like me!”—is a testament to the caring, personalized support she receives.

Your gifts make these connections possible. This summer, Da’myla continues to be nurtured in a circle of care—and enjoys special trips to the library and park with her special tutor.

Every dollar counts. Your $15 gift sends a child a tutor for a day. Please help more children like Da’myla learn to read!

Tutor a child! Yes, I can help a child learn reading and math!

 I want to tutor a child in reading or math!

I want to fund Children Rising tutoring programs!

* Children Rising respects the privacy of our students. While all the stories we share are genuine and true, we change names as needed to protect student privacy.

Young Change-Maker: Amit Boiman Takes a Stand Against Educational Inequity

By Eric Steckel
August 15, 2024

How a Seventh-Grader’s Passion for Social Justice is Helping Oakland Kids Learn Reading and Math

Amit Boiman and The Avodah L'Olam program celebration.

Amit chose to support children learning reading and math. He was guided by his love for children and his mother’s advice on the importance of education.

When you were in seventh grade, what concerned you?

I seem to recall being worried I wouldn’t have enough money for pizza and a popsicle at the community pool.

Amit Boiman may be different from typical teens. For Amit, who just completed seventh grade at Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School, it’s the school-to-prison pipeline.

Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School is unique. As one of the few Jewish day schools in the Bay Area, it combines the qualities of a traditional private school with Jewish and Hebrew language studies. The school emphasizes values like tikkun olam (repairing the world) and tzedakah (righteous giving).

Will you complete HER Circle of Care?

Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.

Work for the world.

The Avodah L’Olam program teaches students to “work for the world.” Coinciding with their Bar Mitzvah year, seventh-graders at Gideon Hausner are encouraged to step up as young Jewish adults and choose a cause they are passionate about. The students pool their Bar Mitzvah money and distribute the money equally among the groups they select. (No pizza and popsicles for these change makers!)

“My mom said if there’s anything to put time and effort into, it’s education. Tutoring is a chance at life.”

Amit chose to support Children Rising. He was guided by his love for children and his mother’s advice on the importance of education.

“My mom said if there’s anything to put time and effort into, it’s education. Tutoring is a chance at life,” Amit explains, understanding how crucial educational support is in breaking the cycle of poverty.

A recent visit to Oakland sparked Amit’s concern over educational inequity. He began to think about the “school-to-prison pipeline” that ensnares so many children in Oakland. He did a Google search and found Children Rising.

Amit was particularly inspired when he read about Children Rising’s foundation in a church in Oakland. “The quote from Jeremiah 29:7—‘Seek the shalom of the city’—caught my attention. The connection between the Jewish faith and Christian values inspired me.”

“Oakland is a center of the problem, and Children Rising is making a difference,” He said. “I want to visit Oakland again and see what Children Rising is doing.”

Supported by his teachers and parents, Amit’s advocacy extended beyond his school. He sparked conversations among parents about the lifeline tutoring provides to young students. Even younger students showed curiosity and engagement.

In June, a $1,000 gift from the Avodah L’Olam project arrived in the mail. Although we knew a gift was arriving, we were overawed. It was beyond generous.

“Amit’s story is a beautiful reminder that when young hearts and minds are dedicated to making a difference, the impact is profound.”

I asked Amit how it feels.

“I couldn’t wait until you asked this question! It’s my biggest accomplishment in life,” Amit said enthusiastically. “I think of how many children can be saved from a life of poverty. I want to continue doing this, even through high school.”

In addition to his passion for education, Amit is also an aspiring filmmaker. We are excited about the potential of collaborating with him on projects that can further spread awareness about the progress children make through one-on-one tutoring.

Amit’s story is a beautiful reminder that when young hearts and minds are dedicated to making a difference, the impact is profound. We are incredibly thankful for Amit’s support and look forward to seeing his continued positive influence on our community and beyond.

Thank you, Amit, for your heart for children and commitment to working for the world. You are giving children a fairer chance to succeed in school and life through your sacrifice.

Tutor a child! Yes, I can help a child learn reading and math!

 I want to tutor a child in reading or math!

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