Perspectives – These Children Only Have Two Years!
By Jim Wambach | September 3, 2024
You can help them learn reading and math before it’s too late.
“Let us reach out to the children. Let us do whatever we can to support their fight to rise above their pain and suffering.” — Nelson Mandela

Without your help, Nayasia will struggle with third-grade reading and math. Your gifts will give her a fairer chance to succeed in school … and in life.
A new school year is upon us. Thousands of eager, wonderful children living in Oakland’s lowest-income neighborhoods will begin their second and third grade of school. Sadly, 70% will be more than two years behind in their reading and math skills. They all have the potential but, unfortunately, not much time to catch up and thrive!
Over the next two years, without help from caring members of the community, most of these children will NOT have a fair chance of learning basic reading and math. They will be unable to gain critical fourth and fifth-grade knowledge and skills. And they will be at a severe risk of failing in middle school and dropping out altogether.
Will you complete HER Circle of Care?
Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.
Will you complete HER Circle of Care?
Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.
In just two years, many of these precious children will be “lost.’ They will join countless others who suffer from the brutal cycle of poverty that has destroyed so many lives and erased so much potential, generation after generation.
“Over the next two years, without help from caring members of the community, most of these children will NOT have a fair chance of learning basic reading and math.”
When a child is born into a family burdened with poverty, they often enter the first phase of a long and challenging cycle that can run for generations. When a family lives in poverty, they have very limited resources and fewer opportunities to further themselves. The entire family is fastened tightly in the poverty trap.
Education is often overshadowed in households where day-to-day survival is the main focus. Struggling parents, often less educated themselves, are far less able to prioritize school attendance and provide adequate in-home learning support for their children.
The next two years are critical for the children.

Will you put a smile on the faces of a couple of eager young readers? Your gift today will help them learn reading and math.
Second and third grade determines so much in the lives of these children who have so much promise. Will you help them develop the skills and confidence to engage in school and learn at grade level? Or will they continue to be disheartened, frustrated, and convinced that they aren’t smart enough or capable of learning what they should learn?
You have the opportunity to have your say in how this plays out for many, many children. Our programs are designed specifically to lift up these children and… empower their families to break free of the cycle of poverty.
When you help a child learn to read or understand numbers early enough in school, you will change their life… but these young boys and girls need you and other caring members of the community now!
“When young people’s education is at stake, compromise is crime.”— Milan Kundera (Author, The Unbearable Lightness of Being)