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About Giving Gatherings

Giving Gatherings have been a wonderful experience this season. We are so grateful to all of you we welcomed into the homes of Children Rising family members. We reconnected and shared in fellowship, heard touching stories of the kids in our programs, and felt inspired by the circle of care—the loving parents and caregivers, passionate educators, and caring tutors—that nurture and empower kids to succeed in reading and math. You showed up for the children so that they will have a fairer chance to succeed in school … and in life. Thank you.

For those who could not attend Giving Gatherings, it’s not too late to give. AND BETTER YET, a generous donor will match YOUR gifts dollar for dollar up to $25,000 if you give before May 31st! We are close to reaching our goal of $150,000. Will you give more children a chance to rise to their God-given potential? Please give today!

“I am a firm believer in reaping what we sow. Children Rising is a great place to plant, cultivate, and help harvest a bright future for those coming behind us. Children are indeed our future, and through our giving, we can help make this world better than we found it.”

– Varetta Mayes, longtime Children Rising supporter and volunteer.

Yes, I want to support the circle of care!

All gifts received through May 31st will be matched dollar for dollar up to $25,000!

Thank you to our generous Sponsors!


Tom and Diane Branagh
Kerry and Leila Gough
Don and Karyn Kintzer
Julie Knell
Jeff and Linda McClain
Randy Roth
Steve Rowell
Linda Safarik Tong and John Tong
Richard and Janet Sheehy
Dave and Robin Sweet
Richard and Barbara Thompson
Jim and Sophia Wambach