Since Children Rising’s founding in 2001, our tutors have worked one-on-one with an eager child, month after month, throughout the school year, providing sustained, nurturing support. Like them, Oakland LAMPS provide sustained support so children receive the care they need to become lifelong learners, each and every month.
In that time, 70% of children who received 20 or more tutoring sessions advanced two or more grade levels in reading and math.
The Oakland LAMPS—Literacy and Math Partners—are passionate supporters who provide hope and promise in our community through monthly giving. When you become a member of the Children Rising Oakland LAMPS, you create a stable environment where we can pair eager young learners with a caring adult.
Joining the Oakland LAMPS is a special way for you to make a real impact on children and families in Oakland’s poorest neighborhoods.
- It’s an easy, no-hassle way to make a difference.
- It saves you time.
- It is easier to budget your giving throughout the year.
- It links you to other caring people like you who are doing good.
That’s right! Your gifts will be matched if you give today!
As an added incentive, when you make a monthly gift today, all first-year monthly gifts UP TO $20,000 will be matched by a couple of generous donors. If you commit to $25 per month, Children Rising will receive $600 in matching gifts. If you commit to $50 per month, that matching gift will equal $1,200.