Monthly gifts give children a fairer chance to succeed in school … and in life.

70% of the children attending schools in Oakland’s poorest neighborhoods are two or more grade levels behind. They need to learn reading and math skills now, before it’s too late.

Your monthly gift to Children Rising gives these kids a chance rise to their God-given potential!

To provide critical one-on-one reading and math tutoring, we are looking for a small group of caring individuals from the Bay Area who can afford $1.66 per day to help children thrive in school.

Nurturing Children in a Circle of Care

Your sustained gifts will help provide children with a caring one-on-one tutor throughout the school year.

Through a circle of care approach, Children Rising programs surround children and families with deeper academic support so they can learn what is needed to become confident, engaged students.

Comprising our three targeted programs—Succeeding by Reading, Path2Math, and FamilyBridge—this circle of care helps children stop falling further behind. Through meaningful one-on-one relationships, they rediscover a love of reading and math and develop the confidence to thrive in school.

“Community partners are the oil that supports the machine we’re running. Having one-on-one support from a tutor helps the student go back to the classroom better able to learn.”

– Alex Brandenburg, Principal, Garfield Elementary School

Give today, and your first-year monthly gifts will be DOUBLED!

Please reply by March 31st if you are in a position to help. Your entire first year of monthly gifts will be matched up to $20,000.


Oakland LAMPS

Since Children Rising’s founding in 2001, our tutors have worked one-on-one with an eager child, month after month, throughout the school year, providing sustained, nurturing support. Like them, Oakland LAMPS provide sustained support so children receive the care they need to become lifelong learners, each and every month.

In that time, 70% of children who received 20 or more tutoring sessions advanced two or more grade levels in reading and math.

The Oakland LAMPS—Literacy and Math Partners—are passionate supporters who provide hope and promise in our community through monthly giving. When you become a member of the Children Rising Oakland LAMPS, you create a stable environment where we can pair eager young learners with a caring adult.

Joining the Oakland LAMPS is a special way for you to make a real impact on children and families in Oakland’s poorest neighborhoods.

  • It’s an easy, no-hassle way to make a difference.
  • It saves you time.
  • It is easier to budget your giving throughout the year.
  • It links you to other caring people like you who are doing good.

That’s right! Your gifts will be matched if you give today!

As an added incentive, when you make a monthly gift today, all first-year monthly gifts UP TO $20,000 will be matched by a couple of generous donors. If you commit to $25 per month, Children Rising will receive $600 in matching gifts. If you commit to $50 per month, that matching gift will equal $1,200.

Impact Levels & Membership Benefits

The Gift of Empowering the Community


Your gift will supply a tutor with the appropriate training, tools, and materials, enabling them to tutor two struggling children.

The Gift of Literacy


Your gift will equip a 2nd-grader with the necessary books and supplies to thrive in a full academic year of reading tutoring.

The Gift of Family Engagement


Your gift provides connected, wrap-around services, learning expertise, tools, and support for parents and caregivers so their children can thrive.

The Gift of Numeracy


Your gift will send a child their very own math tutor so they will develop math fluency and improve critical reasoning skills.

Want to mail in your monthly gift?

Membership Benefits


Tote Bag

Children Rising tote bag


Leather-bound journal and a Children Rising tote bag


Literally Unbelievable: Stories from an East Oakland Classroom — Book signed by the author, Bronwynn Harris, Children Rising tote bag, and Leather-bound journal.


Monthly and Quarterly

“As an educator, I know how important it is that good language comprehension and word reading skills are. We have donated monthly for 22 years, and we will continue doing that, and I hope you do the same. Early intervention that Children Rising provides absolutely is key.” – Lynda and Jim Hampton, long-time members of Oakland LAMPS

Nafeesa Ahmad-Bey • Scott and Miho Armacost • Ron and Ginger Atkinson • Glenn Ballard • Chris and Chelsea Boniak • Bill and Nancy Branagh • Larry and Betsy Brassea • Chris and Marie Corwin • Walt and Jean Crockett • Curtis and Janice Crum • Lowell and Judith Dawson • Bob and Merrie Dillow • Ginger and Ryan Dole • Henrietta and Ronald Eric Fabio • Paul and Natalie Figueroa • First Covenant Church Oakland • Bill and Janice Ghirardelli • Gil and Ann Gilbert • Laurie Goldman and Joshua Rider • Jan Gordon • Jason Gorski •  Jim and Lynda Hampton • Karen Hunt • Joann Johnson • Nina Johnson • Ron and Ann Kihara • Kelsey Kobayashi • Chris Lasack • Wilson Leong • Jennifer Lien • Daniel Livsey and Mary Reed • Charlotte Martinez • Glynis Mason • Jonathan and Varetta Mayes • Doug Mayne • Michael and Mary McKenna • Xanthy Michealsen • Oakland Worship Center • Jon and Nancy Norman • Brenda Paulin • Sarah Picker • Laurel and Gerald Przybylski • Jonathan and Arlyn Ranillo • Rob and Carolyn Rickett • Steve and Svetlana Robinson • David and Jen Roth • David and Charmaine Shen • Bill and Lynn Simpson • Eric Steckel and Marissa Suarez • Rich and Barbara Thompson • Ed and Stephanie Timmerman • Sally Van Etten and Lorenzo Bavoso • Jim and Sophia Wambach • Judith Wilson • John and Rose Woo • John and Dana Wu • Jan Zovickian

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