“I Want To Soar” Project
By Jim Wambach
October 24, 2019

Will YOU join us in helping a vulnerable child SOAR? Your gift will help us reach more children who desperately need the chance to rise above the challenges they face.
Right now, there is an education crisis affecting our city’s most vulnerable children. Each year, approximately 1,800 children in the Oakland Unified School District will complete second grade substantially behind in basic reading and math skills. These children will not have the skills required to learn and grow in the third grade. Worse, they will not have a fair chance of achieving success in middle school, high school, and beyond.
“I want to soar!”
Every one of those second graders wants to soar! They want an opportunity to fly high and do something wonderful in life.
“Their future, OUR future, will be determined by what we do NOW!“
Their future, our future, will be determined by what we do NOW! Children Rising is making a generational impact in our community schools and, more importantly, in the lives of thousands of struggling children and youth. We train and support hundreds of caring adults to be one-on-one tutors for the children who need it the most.
While the solution is simple, it is not easy, given the high number of children who need extra attention and support early in school. Children Rising has the audacious goal of enabling 1,000 volunteers who can assist 2,000 students by 2022. We envision a city where every struggling student is reached by a caring community at a critical time in their life to provide hope, the courage to dream, and opportunity to thrive.
Will YOU join us in helping a vulnerable child SOAR?
Your gift will help us reach more children who desperately need the chance to rise above the challenges they face.
If we meet our goal we can support 200 more children through one-on-one tutoring in math and reading.
For the children,